
Recently it has been created by a player of League of Legends a site that will help us in choosing the champion based on ban and the composition of the opposing team.

In fact, the site will ask you first of all to select bans of both teams and then, each time, the champion chosen by the opposing team in order to be able to suggest the best champion who choose to play the best against them.

Obviously it’s a newborn site, in fact it is still in beta, but this project has been positively reviewed by many players in League of Legends.

Below you will find the link and the presentation of the site directly written by the creator:

Hey guys! I’ve spent the past few days working on a tool to help with building a killer team comp. and I think I’ve got it to a place where I’m comfortable showing it off a little bit.


(Works best in Chrome)

EDIT: So much awesome feed back and killer suggestions from everyone! I’m working on new features already! Follow Pickbot (@pick_bot) on twitter to stay up-to-date when new features roll out! I’m glad you guys like the premise, now to expand!



The idea for this tool came from the realization of some flaws in websites that give pick suggestions (ie. championselect.net). The problem with these tools is that they only offer very isolated suggestions. Sure, they do make mention of who those champions are good with, but you have to go through so many hoops and page jumps to get any real usable information, and even then not all the variables are accounted for.

With Pickbot I’m hoping to solve some of that by dynamically making suggestions based on what your team and the enemy team has picked and tallying those recommendations, allowing champions to be “super recommended”. Ex: If your teammate picks Nunu, Caitlyn and Vayne will be highlighted because they are good with Nunu. If the enemy team then picks Graves, Caitlyn will then get another suggestion vote and her highlight will be even more prominent because Caitlyn is also strong against Graves. Caitlyn now has 2 recommendations making her stand out more than those with only 1. This continues through the entire team selection process and as picks are made recommendations continue to get tallied champions glow more and more.

The goal was really to make suggestions very natural and unobtrusive. I don’t want to scream in your face that you should pick someone, I just want to nudge. And maybe after that champion becomes a better and better pick, my voice gets a little bit louder, but not annoyingly so.

Future goals

If there is any real interest in this kind of thing, I have some ideas for what I’d like to do to hopefully make this more useful.

  • Search: I already have search underway, but in the meantime, you can use the letter filters and lane filters (and combine them!)
  • Undo: An ‘undo’ button is also in the works!
  • UI improvements: The UI currently is very rough. I made this thing in my spare time in about 2 days so I’d like to invest some more time in revamping the UI to be more consistent with the client and/or the new League of Legends website
  • If there is serious interest, I’d like to make a mobile app: There are some pretty rough UX challenges with this (tons of interaction and elements crammed into a small screen), but I have some good ideas on how to (hopefully) solve this.


In the upper right-hand corner there is a ‘?’ button. If you click that you can directly send me a message with anything you want: Suggestions on how to make the tool better, Suggestions on champion match-ups, or even to tell me how much you love me ;). If you leave contact info there I promise to get back to you ASAP! Please feel free to leave any feedback here as well! Remember, this thing is still pretty early, but hopefully it can be of use to at least a few people!


If you have any problems at all with the website please tell me here. I will try to get them resolved asap. Be patient, it may be a tad slow to load when you first visit because 115 or so champion pictures is a lot to download :P

